A reading, writing, moving, drawing, sitting room that encourages a porousness between the inward-looking world of the solitary maker and the social world of improvisation and chance encounters. A room stocked with good wine and invited guests, natural light, comfortable seats, previous works and present influences. A room in which stillness and quiet are always suitable answers. A work that reveals itself in the doing and being, that builds itself out of time spent and ideas exchanged.

The Retrospective Room was presented by Dancehouse in partnership with Abbotsford Convent in Melbourne, Australia. In the mornings, the room hosted my workshop Mortal Materials; in the afternoons it featured performances, talks, and screenings with guest artists Amaara Raheem, Leisa Shelton, Brian Rogers, and Dylan van der Schyff.

Improvising with Dylan. Photo: Gregory Lorenzutti for Dancehouse